Partners & Funding


The University of Trento was founded in 1962 and is located in one of the most fascinating Italian regions: Trentino. Known for its mountains, the Dolomites, one of UNESCO’s world heritage sites, Trentino is a borderland
between the Mediterranean area and Central Europe. In its 60 years of history, it has always provided a great study and research environment.

Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) is a research not-for-profit public interest entity result of a history that is more than half a century old. FBK aims to excellence in science and technology with particular emphasis on interdisciplinary approaches and to the applicative dimension.
The Sustainable Energy Center (SE) of FBK promotes the development of tools and methods for the creation, storage and distribution of energy solutions with low environmental impact. The goal is to transfer the new energy solutions to the market in collaboration with industrial and territorial partners. It provides its know-how, expertise and tools in the energy field to achieve concrete and measurable results for a common goal.


H2@TN is funded by the University of Trento (Piano Strategico 2022-2027) and Provincia Autonoma di Trento (Delibera della Giunta Provinciale 2166 – 25/11/2022).